Top Tips for Exhibition Staffing Success

The staff on your stand at your exhibition can be all the difference when it comes to engaging with and making the experience pleasurable for attendees, as well as hitting sales goals and targets.

In order to make your staffing an element in your success, there are some steps you need to follow in order to fully prepare your team for the event.

Choose People Who Want to Be There

It’s all very well choosing ‘Jim from IT’ to man your stand because he has knowledge of how the product works, but if he doesn’t want to be there or has no customer service experience it’s unlikely visitors will find him engaging, so he may not be the best choice for this role.

Your new intern might not be experienced in the product, but with their eagerness to please and their desire for experience, may actually be a better choice. It should only take a little bit of training to get them up to speed.

You’re more likely to receive a positive review from visitors who have had an engaging and interesting conversation with your staff than one where facts are thrown all over the place and visitors can tell your staff don’t want to be there!

Choosing staff who do want to be there and are willing to give up their day to stand and talk to people for a fair few hours is the best way to ensure you have the most ideal team by your side on the day.

Banish Any Negativity

No matter what mood you’re in, or what troubles you’ve had prior to your arrival to the venue, it’s really crucial that all of your team abandon any negativity at the door.

Hanging onto negative emotions is sure to influence your attitude on the day, therefore it’s essential to sort this out before the exhibition begins!

Arrange the Correct Training

Training is key when it comes to your exhibition. Whether it’s talking your team through how your tech based product works, training them on a sales script or advising them on open and positive body language, having everyone on the same page and capable of handling any queries is bound to set your team apart from the rest!

Arranging this training far enough in advance that people can practice, but not too far ahead that they forget by the time exhibition day comes around is the sweet spot.

Establish a Dress Code

The best way to help your staff get in the exhibition zone is to establish a dress code and dress to impress! The effect an outfit and being dressed for the right occasion can have on your attitude is underestimated – it can make your team feel so much more put together and ready to jump right into the exhibition.

An alternative is to ensure everyone has a uniform, this can really help unify your team and also make you look the part, coordinated and prepared, which is what visitors will love to see!

Create A Schedule

The exhibition day is along, and it can be hard to know where to be and when. Having a schedule that factors in time for your team to grab a tea or coffee, get some lunch and have a wander around the exhibition hall to see what’s on offer themselves can all have an effect on their attitude and positivity throughout the day, after all, it’s hard to do anything on an empty stomach!

Now you’ve got your team all sorted, it’s time for your exhibition to be smooth sailing! For more on exhibition planning, take a look at our other blog posts. For exhibition help and strand design, feel free to get in contact with our team today!